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20 October 2024

CASSGB Playday 2024 returns to Royal Birmingham Conservatoire on 20th October.

CASSGB Single Reed Day 2024

Get ready for a day filled with all things single reed instruments at the CASSGB Single Reed Day 2024!

Click here for full schedule and to book you place now!

With ensemble, chamber, masterclasses, Q and A sessions, featuring international artists: Asya Feteyeva, Helana Kay, Janet Hilton, Robert Finegan, Richard Ingham, James Rae, Mark O’Brien and The British Clarinet Ensemble.

Join us for a day of joyful music-making, featuring a mixed single reed ensemble session led by the one and only James Rae, saxophone and clarinet ensemble sessions, jazz improvisation and a whole lot more.

This event is perfect for musicians of all levels. Connect with fellow enthusiasts, learn from experienced professionals, and immerse yourself in the world of single reeds. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and passion for music!

Throughout the day there will be music played during break and lunch time slots, all adding to a nice vibe for the occasion.

There will also be a great selection of trade stands * to visit. Buy some new sheet music, try out the latest mouthpiece or have a play of an instrument you would love to buy.

Local repairer Dot Brodie will be in attendance too, so any problems, pop along and see her. She’s a wiz!

The day will also include demonstrations from various sponsors including D’Addario, Backun and Selmer.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] and I’ll be happy to help.

Look forward to seeing you! 🙂

*D’Addario, Howarths, with JodyJazz, Chedeville and Rousseau, Barnes & Mullins, with Vandoren UK, Yanagisawa Saxophones, Legere Reeds, Trevor James and Rovner Ligatures, Selmer, Sempre Music, Dawkes, with Backun & Eastman, Forton Music, Royal Corp of Army Musicians, Reed and Squeak, with Hummingbird and Maskarade, Packers, Yamaha, Schott Music, RSL Awards and Trinity Laban.

and of course, many thanks to Royal Birmingham Conservatoire for hosting the event and their generous support.


20 October 2024


